Rockville Divorce Attorney Discusses Variations on Maryland Divorces
Are you a Maryland resident considering divorce? If so, you should consider speaking with a family law attorney about your situation right away. There are several ways to go about divorce under Maryland law, as well as a number of collateral matters to consider including child support, spousal support, custody, visitation, and distribution of property. If you believe your spouse may wish to contest the divorce, a consultation with a family law attorney is imperative to ensure you protect all your rights. If the divorce is amicable and likely to settle easily, a Rockville divorce attorney may still be able to offer you limited scope representation to help you work out certain unique issues, such as drafting a Separation Agreement, Parenting Plan, or Domestic Relations Order (when dividing retirement funds).

Grounds for Divorce
Maryland is now a no fault divorce state. You may file for divorce in Maryland based on the following grounds:
- Six month separation
This can include living “separate but apart” under the same roof. You must prove that you are living completely separate lives, including having separate bedrooms and separate bank accounts. - Irreconcilable Differences
You may file for divorce based on irreconcilable divorces while still living under the same roof. - Mutual Consent
If all issues related to custody, child support, alimony and property division have been agreed upon and memorialized in a written agreement, a couple may get divorced by mutual consent without having to wait through a six month separation period. - Factors for the Court to Consider
Although Maryland has abolished fault grounds for divorce, you may still provide evidence to the Court of adultery, domestic violence, cruelty, etc., as factors for the Court to consider when making decisions regarding custody, property distribution, support, and attorney’s fees.
Flat Fee for Uncontested Divorce
We charge a Flat Fee of $1,700.00 for an Uncontested Divorce based on 6 month separation in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, or Howard County. This fee includes the Court filing fee. Counties outside of this range may be considered and will be charged an additional, nominal fee for travel time.
To qualify for this flat fee there must be no minor children, no marital property to be divided, and no claims for alimony. This fee includes service of process via USPS. If your spouse evades service, there may be an additional fee for any skip tracing and process servers that need to be hired.
What Is a Contested Divorce?
Some divorces settle easily after a smooth separation period. Others, not so much. A contested divorce is one in which one party plans to engage in litigation over an aspect of the divorce (e.g., custody or support) or plans to contest the entire divorce altogether. A contested divorce can take longer to work out and will require greater intervention by legal counsel to ensure all your rights are protected.
Can We Settle Everything out of Court?
Absolutely. In fact, this is a preferred method to ensure both parties are in control of the outcome of their divorce. If you are ready to negotiate a settlement with your spouse and believe he or she may be willing to do the same, we encourage you to contact a Rockville divorce lawyer at H&H LawWorks, LLC today. Please call 240-403-2693.
I Cannot Afford an Attorney
If you cannot afford a lawyer for full representation of your case, you can retain an attorney to simply help you with specific matters in your case. Among other things, you can hire an attorney to help you draft your initial Complaint or Answer, prepare for trial, draft Discovery, represent you at a Settlement Conference or Mediation, or answer procedural questions. Contact a Rockville divorce lawyer at H&H LawWorks, LLC today to discuss limited scope representation. Please call 240-403-2693.